1907 - 1913
by Georg Schwiening, Cassel, Germany
Founded 1830
Georg Schwiening
(?? - 1914), manufacturer and vice mayor in Bettenhausen
In 1907, the matchstick factory Otto Miram in Cassel , needed
capital for their start-up of a factory and its owner Georg
Schwiening signed an agreement with HE
Gosch & Co. for a loan of 200,000 Mark after four years would
become another priority share with a yield of 8,000 kroner a
year .
A trial period of 2 years was agreed , to see if the
factory was profitable .
The factory worked satisfactorily and was rapidly absorbed in
the great German matchstick Convention where Schwiening joined
the Board .
In the summer of 1909, which , with only 10 days of action , the
germans adopted a new import and customs law , which caused that
the price of matches increased from 8 marks per mille to 10-11
mark .
Gosch returns the first year was just under 9,000 kroner.
Although the Customs Act had a quick effect , in the short term
introduced incredibly large amounts of match sticks, including
Gosch exporting 21 million boxes of only 10 days.
The result was that the german market was flooded and the German
government resorted to more regulatory intervention where no
plant may produce more than 45% of their previous production.
The disaster created by the new law hit the factories and hit
Otto Miram as well, and in the spring of 1911 they had to
declare bankruptcy .
Gosch managed to get 30,000 of the original 200,000 mark back,
but since the bankruptcy administration subsequently sold the
manufacturing rights to Stahl & Nökle for 400,000 mark and
buildings for other 200,000 mark, Gosch brought case of
recovering the debt from the estate .
How this case ended , we have until now unfortunately found
nothing material about .
Fabrikken i Kassel i 1914, efter at bygningern var solgt.