1864 - 1869
Sankt Annægade 280, Christianshavn
Hans Peter Danker
(1838 - 1891), Sugar confectionery - and match stick
Hans Peter Danker,
who had purchased the
match stick
factory Hintz
& Co. of
Frederick Detlef
Schwensen in 1861
(30 years after the
founding), came to Denmark
in 1864 and
rented space in
zinc dier
Lauritz Rasmussen´s
house in St.
Annægade 280
in Christianshavn. Here he was
authorization April 1864 to operate his
manufacturing and he
moved the machines
to Copenhagen.
But already
in 1865 Danker
stopped his match stick
production and
rebuilted the premises
to provide a
plant for confectionery
manufacturing instead.
At the same time
Danker came in
contact with Carl
Conrad Kjær,
who bought the
machines and moved them
to the ground floor
of the property
he had rented
in Thyrasgade
5 in Nørrebro.
Here he continued
under the name of
Hintz & Co..until
he teamed up with
Gottlieb in the
company Kjær &
The sugar confectionery continued
for many years more,
from 1880 under the
name Elisabethsminde
and early 1895,
Hintz & Co
was deleted from the
company register.

Hintz & Co på Christianshavn - efter at det var blevet bygget 1.
sal på ejendommen