Trøstrup-Korup Sogn, Funen
Hans Christophersen Drigstrup and Hans Jacob Nielsen Munkehuus
was among the group of people who unsuccessfully applied for
permission to establish them selfs as match sticks
The two young men were fellow soldiers and had together in their
time in the military 1 year of exsercise at Rosenborg Barracks.
Here they had , probably by Granberg , become acquainted with
the fabrication of match stikcks .
But even though they both have good credentials from their
military superiors, the
parish warden in Korup and Ubberup parish is against the
application because he sees the risk of this project will not
succeed and the two will thus give the local community to load.
As the Chamber of Customs are involved as parish principal place
the " monkey " with them , as he believes that it must be under
the ordinary craft , they correspond also negative, but this
because of the inability to supervise such manufactures outside
the cities.
It is not known what the two soldiers' fate becomes .