1904 - 1921
Hellerupvej 54, Copenhagen
Hellerup Match Factory was registered the 13th of
February 1904 and established in Hellerup Clogs Factory premises
from 1893.
The idea for the factory was created by merchant Carl N.
Frederiksen , but when he died within the factory get started
Rudolf Nielsen took over the management .
The factory started the production in November 1904 scheduled
for 100,000 boxes daily based on the latest methods , including
the new complete machines that automatically paraffines and dips
sticks to subsequently put them in boxes .
But because of teething problems and poor quality where only a
production of less than one-third was purchased, they
chose to stop production in 1906 and replace it with the
"traditional" method of production.
The factory never came up on the intended production, but
remains almost constant in the quota of 54,000 boxes a day ,
which they contracted the other factories including
H. E. Gosch
and Co.
During 1918 the Swedish match trust tookover a majority
stake in HellerupTændstikfabrik through the newly established "
Tændstikkompagniet " with Frantz Nehammer in the head , formerly
general agent for Jonkoping Tändstick Aktiebolaget .
On the 19th of
September 1921 Hellerup Tændstikfabrik and
Aktietændstikfabrikken Glødefri merged to "Hellerup and Glødefri
Tændstikfabrik" with a capital of 600,000 kroner, which the
Swedes owned by 98%.
Hellerup Tændstikfabriks
produktionsbygning på Hellerupvej 54