Data Pictures
1899 - 1901
Godthaabsvej 61B, København
Søren Lemvig Fog (1864 - ??),
engineer, lieutenant, son of match stick manufacturer Ludolph
Emil Fog
Aage Georg Kirchner (1870 - ??), cand.
Niels Christian Heide (1871 - ??),
Christoffer Friedenreich Hage (1848 -
??) grocer, minister of finance
Paul Bergsøe (1872 - 1963), cand.
After Godthaabsvej Tændstikfabrik ceased to exist ,
Internationalt Tændstikkompagni rented the premises for here to
produce headless matchsticks .
In 1899 , Søren Lemvig Fog came on the idea of the headless
matches and together with chemist Aage Georg Kirchner they came
to this by using chlorine acid barite for impregnation , and
then took out a patent on the invention .
In 1900 Fog created a limited liability company with a
capital of 600,000 kroner, N.C. Heide , C.F. Hage and Lemvig Fog
came to sit on the board.
engineer Poul Bergsøe was hired as a chemist.
In the premises Poul Bergsøe worked developing further and
got done most of beginners failures where the striking surface
was quickly worn and where the sticks sometimes sucked too much
of the solution.
When the sticks were ignited the lighted with a strong green
As the sticks were ready for production , Kirchner and Fog sold
the patent to HE
Gosch & Co. for
100,000 kroner.
But the factory should only be on standby to produce if they
found interested foreign buyers.
A small batch was produced with the company label and stored.
During this Bergsøe recorded that sticks at the dipping in
the paraphin did not suck into this , so they could withstand
moisture, but instead was very greasy.
Bergsøe drew attention to this , but was told not to tell this
further, as it would spoil a sale.
Bergsøe resigned his position .