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1847 - 1865

Already in 1840 the brothers Søren and Jørgen Brummer had a grocery store with J. Christophersen in Vestergade 262 in Odense. Søren Brummer , who was a pharmacist, like Ole Christian Green in Aalborg, was inspired by him and began even in 1845  experimenting with producing friction match sticks in one of  side buildings in the back yard.

In 1849 Søren supplemented his business with brewery when he took over his brother , Hans Brummer´s brewery. Later that year, the two brothers Jørgen , who had been responsible for match stick factory and Søren disagreed and Jørgen therefore started its own match stick factory in St. Anne Stræde 322 , while Søren continued his brewery as well as his match stick factory and grocery trade.

Although Jørgen´s factory was some less than Sean (probably less than 10 employees , as this was the limit of enrollment for industrial registration and there are no industry registration for Jørgen´s factory) were the two brothers tough competitors to each other and had even ads next to each other in the newspaper for their brands.

At one point in 1850, Jørgen moved his factory to grocer Ducks yard in the Vestergade, but in 1857 he married a young girl who lived in the village of Brylle and Jørgen decided to close the factory and move to the Dalmose house in Brylle and here be a small farmer.

In the meanwhile Søren increased his sales from his brewery and in 1860 he built , in one of the other outbuildings , a brand new brewery  using the most modern brewing methods. The matches were now less interest and in 1865 he put his factory for sale.

An other Odense citizen, Adolph Madsen bought the factory, which was laying in the side building where Madsen rented space .

In 1890, Søren retired and lived on the property until his death .

As a curiosity it can be told, that Søren´s and Jørgen's sister, Margaret Louise Marie married their fellow student Conrad Stegmann and had a daughter Otilie who married the young brewer son from Valby , Carl Jacobsen, who founded, among a lot of others, the New Carlsberg brewery.


1838 - Benjamin Hellmann
1840 - Rohmell´s fabrikker
1841 - Ramsing & Stonor
1842 - Hans Andreas Reuter
1842 - Anne Marie Granberg
1843 - Hans Diderich Schmilau
1843 - Frederik Georg Kølbel
1843 - Carl Axel Hörner
1843 - Carl Peter Rolff
1843 - Christian Peter Beck
1843 - Christophersen og Nielsen
1843 - Johan Carl Müller
1844 - Svovlstikkefabrikken Møllegade
1844 - Arnold Theofilus Müllertz
1844 - Carl Ferdinand Gundorph

1844 - Hassing og Smith
1844 - Carl Frederik Kryger
1844 - Peter Conradsen
1844 - Philip Åkermann
1845 - Niels Thuesen
1846 - Niels Sørensen
1847 - Rasmus Rasmussen
1847 - Søren og Jørgen Brummer
1848 - Frederik Hansen
1850 - Greens fabrikker
1850 - Carl Johan Staal
1850 - Peder Andersen
1853 - Gümoes & Beeken
1853 - Johan Wilhelm Otto
1857 - Carl Abraham Metz
1858 - Anders Sørensen & Co.
1862 - Sørens Larsen Sørensen

1864 - Randers Tændstikfabrik
1864 - Rasmus Langeland Mathiesen
1864 - Hintz & Co
1864 - Ludvig Hintze
1865 - Aalborg Svovlstikkefabrik
1865 - Peter Nielsen
1865 - Hans Jørgensen Svovlstikkefabrik
1865 - Adolph Madsen
1865 - Andreas Bernhard Bryndum
1866 - Carl Meyling
1866 - Lund & Hartmann
1867 - Johan Wilhelm Krause
1868 - Peter Christian Petersen

1868 - Kjær & Gottlieb
1872 - Pallesen & Davidsen
1875 - Kronen og Nørrebros tændstikfabrik
1876 - H.E. Gosch & Co
1884 - Tændstikfabrikken Merkur
1886 - Maare Tændstikfabrik
1890 - Norden og Godthaabsvej

1897 - Københavns Tændstikfabrik
1899 - Internationalt Tændstikkompagni

1901 - Tændstikfabrikken Glødefri
1901 - Købmændenes Tændstikfabrik
1901 - Københavns Tændstikfabrik & Merkur
1904 - Hellerup Tændstikfabrik

1907 - Otto Miram
1908 - KET & Union Allumettière
1916 - Frantz Nehammer
1921 - Hellerup & Glødefri
Other factories