1843 - 1855
Lille Amagergade 327
Georg Kølbel
runs a grocery shop in Store
Kongensgade but
gets accidentally put
out of entitlement,
why he seeks
to be allowed to
establish a match
stick factory
in Lille Amagergade
where he will
fabricate fragrant
perfumed matches.
Since the government
does not believe that
there is something
special about these matches,,
Koelbel "only"
get a general license
to manufacture
theses matches on 10th of
june 1843.
There are no data on
Kølbels production,
but this
will stop in 1855,
when he will have to
move from the leased
premises, as the
property's new
owner wants to use them.
As a curiosity,
the Small
Amagergade 327
is the same building
as Amagergade
4, which has put
facade to the
tavern "The Rat Hole"
in danish TV-series "Huset på
Christianshavn" (The house at Christianshaven)

Kølbels ansøgning om 5 års eneret på fabrikationen af
parfymerede frictionsfyrstikker