1868 - 1875
1868 Cand. Eng .
Carl Conrad Kjær bought the match stick factory Hintz & Co. in
Christianshavn owned by Hans Peter Danker and sought to
establish the factory in the newly constructed building in
Thyrasgade 5
Kjær began to rebuild the ground floor with
ovens for the various processes and in early 1869 he got the
permission and could begin the production.
There was , however, a number of complaints from local residents
because of the unpleasant smells from the factory and he
therefore he should raise the chimney.
He had meanwhile seen an empty factory premises in the nearby
Allergade 15 and along with one of his acquaintances, sea
captain Albert Andreas Gottlieb he got the permission to build
the plant there and immediately after they moved the
machinery and equipment to the new premises . The next years the
subsequently underwent some alterations, like that was
installatio of a steam engine.
In 1873 Gottlieb resigned from the firm and the Kjær continued
as sole proprietor under the name "Chemical match stick factory
by C.C. Kjær " .
Also Kjær had during discussions of the match stick law pointed
out that the adoption could be the plant's death and when it was
adopted in 1874 , he decided immediately to publish an
advertisement in the newspaper and put it up for sale .
It was probably Pallesen , who bought the machines of Kjær , who
traveled to Sweden , where he
was employed as an engineer and principal at Anna Berg Match
Factory and later joined Svenska Tändstickfabriks Aktiebolaget ,
where he also joined the board.