1860 - 1895
Jens Terpager Lange (1828 - 1892), grocer and
lieutenant in the citys army of volunteers
Evald William Lange (1839 - ??), grocer and
brother of J.T. Lange
The brothers
Jens Terpager
Lange and Evald
William Lange, who were two of
a crowd of 13 children,
were both trained as
grocers. It is not known
exactly when they
started their shops, but
in 1860, Jens was the
first to be recorded in the
way-finders as a grocer.
In 1876,
E.V. Lange's
advertising as the key agency
for Randers
Tændstikfabrik were seen for the first
time but even later that year
the advertisings were replaced with
the brands from
A. Sorensen
& Co., Ludvig
Hintze's Eftf
In the following years
they repeated the
announcement in different versions.
It is not known how
long they have the key
agencies for A.
Sorensen's factory,
but it stops probably
related to Gosch
and David's acquisition
of his factory.
In 1895, when
Jens Terpager
Lange's widow
has taken over the
business, this is noted as
Matchstick shop.
E.V. Langes og J.T. Langes fælles annonce i 1876 for deres
hovedoplag for A. Sørensen
E.V. Langes annonce i Illustreret Tidende 1876 for sit hovedoplag for
Randers Tændstikfabrik